Bringing Sexy Back

Using a condom is the most effective method of preventing STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and unplanned pregnancies but we think condoms have gotten a bad rep. Yes, we know that for many people sex might not feel the same with condoms and that they have a reputation for being a passion killer but we're on a mission to make condoms sexy. That's why we've put together this guide on how you can use condoms to prevent STIs, and unplanned pregnancies whilst maximising your fun between the sheets.
Tip 1: Place a drop of lube in the end of your condom increase your sexual pleasure and sensitivity whilst have sex with a condom
Tip 2: Use delay condoms to increase your sexual stamina between the sheets and increase your sexual pleasure
Tip 3: Masturbation can be a time to play with condoms, get to know how they feel to put on as well as exploring you sexual likes and dislikes
Tip 4: Try using dotted, or ribbed condoms to increase sexual stimulation and send your partner dotty during sex
Tip 5: Condoms come in lots of different seductive flavours, make condoms sexy by getting your partner(s) to put it on with their mouth
***Be careful not to damage the condom with your teeth as this can render it useless***

Where to get your condoms...

Condoms Direct: If you are a man, trans or non-binary person who has sex with other men and you live in Cornwall, Plymouth, Devon & Torbay  and Gloucestershire you can access free condoms and lube via The Eddystone Trust's Condoms Direct scheme. Just click here

Unity: If you are in South Gloucestershire and North Somerset and are a man who has sex with men, trans or non-binary, someone who has sex for money or of black, Asian or from another ethnic minority community then you can sign up for free condoms via Unity Sexual Health by clicking here.

Young People: If you are aged between 13-25 and living in the South West you can access free condoms via your local condom distribution service, for more information click here

Sexual Health Clinics: You can also get free condoms from your nearest sexual health clinic.  To find your nearest sexual health clinic click here

If you are unsure of anything or feel you need to talk to someone then please don't hesitate to contact us on or 0800 328 3508